From the desk of Dr.Ornella Michelini Ph.D.

07 October 2024


Hi Everyone, OCTOBER is here and it's only a couple of months before Christmas will be also... Take this month to re-set YOUR own PERSONAL affairs.. Tidy up the loose ends... Eliminate anything that you don't want to bring forward in your life and start to look ahead with positivity towards 2025... This means eliminating unwanted possesions and anything else that could be cluttering up your life... Of course RELATIONSHIPS often need to be looked at also... Look at this month as a CLEANSING month.... It is also a GREAT TIME to come and have a READING and a REIKI HEALING session or a CRYSTAL HEALING SESSION to prepare for a busier time come November... This will also bring forward anything you may not have thought of... I am extending my services from November onwards to include BUSINESS and LIFE COACHING for those of you who want to start something new and don't know how to go ahead, or are at a crossroads in your current businesses... My studies in the USA have given me a Doctorate in Holistic Life Counseling and my businesses and experience in the past have given me knowledge on how to be successful. I have over forty years experience in Multiple Retail Management stores from Setting up, General Management, Wholesaling, Importing and Distribution with Staff Training to Management levels in the Womens area of Fashion and Accessories with Design and Manufacturing included... I have also previously worked in the Medical arena in Medical Imaging Diagnostic to management level also... I hold a wealth of knowledge that I can offer to guide and assist you on your path. Even if you are unsure we can work together to find your best path to success... A COACHING COURSE generally takes SEVEN or EIGHT sessions to get you on track.. If this is of interest to you or you are feeling stuck in your work life or other areas, please contact me for more information... You can reply to this email or call me directly... Blessings, Love and Light... Dr.Ornella Michelini Ph.D. https://dromichelini.blogspot.com

30 September 2024

Hi to All who are feeling a little lost with NO DIRECTION at present... I am inviting you to contact me for an appointment where we can discuss a COACHING COURSE FOR YOU to get you on your feet and happy again... I can coach you in your current CAREER situation, your LIFE and PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS, your BUSINESS DIRECTION, your SPIRITUALITY and your HEALTH and WELLNESS.. I have a degree as a Doctor of Philosophy, have been running my won Businesses for over forty years, am an expert in Sales and Retail Management,Importing and Wholesaling...I have a degree in Holistic Counseling and a degree in Metaphysics which allows me to guide you spiritually... COACHING can be a LIFE-CHANGING EXPERIENCE for someone who cannot find their true path.. Please send me an email at aurana@ymail.com or Phone me directly for an appointment to discuss your needs... Blessings, Love and Light ~ Dr.Ornella Michelini Ph.D. (AURANA) ~ https://dromichelini.blogspot.com

15 September 2024


Hi Everyone.... If you are living on the GOLD COAST of AUSTRALIA or nearby... This is an Invitation to come and have some HEALING work done...As a MASTER REIKI PRACTITIONER, I wanted to let you know that my studio has been totally re-furbished with NEW REIKI TABLE also.. Comfortable and Safe.. Allow ONE HOUR with me while we take a journey together with a MEDITATION which will allow you to go deep as I ADMINISTER a HANDS-ON SESSION of REIKI to you... REIKI can also be TRANSMITTED when NOT-IN-PERSON with me and am happy to give you this service REMOTELY wherever you are... We only need a VOICE CONNECTION medium to take you Deep Within Yourself to ACCEPT the REIKI HELAING as I ADMINISTER to YOU.. REIKI is an ANCIENT HEALING Method founded by a Japanese man called MIKAO USUI who handed this gift to all those who wished to Assist and HEAL others... Please contact me for an APPOINTMENT... You can choose which Connection suits you best with me at the time of making the appointment.. My contact details are at the top of this Blogspot and you can also EMAIL ME at // aurana@ymail.com

09 September 2024


Hello Again... "SPRING has SPRUNG" or so the old cliche' goes... And, here on the Gold Coast of Australia it still doesn't know whether it's Winter, Spring or Summer... No worries... Be prepared !!! Like the weather, go with the flow of your life! "Being Prepared" in your life is good advice given how erratic things are getting all over the world and also here at home... I find people are desensetising and therefore are passing over certain things in their life that actually need some attention... On a personal level, that's where I can come in and assist you to get clarity and direction in just about all areas of your life... A READING always brings forth what is in the forefront and needs looking at, whether it be your work (enjoying it or hating it), your emotional status (which includes reationships with those around you), your financial status (which makes you either happy or stressed), and your love life (either with your partner or lack thereof and or family)... Finances generally come through with your relationship with your work... A READING will give you insights you may not have thought of previously.. So Come and make an appointment... With change of season, your life changes as well in some way! I want to welcome you to my newly re-furbished studio... New paint job, New Carpet, a few pieces of New Furniture and some New techniques with Meditation and Healings... If you can't make it here, I'm always available online.. Looking forward to seeing you again soon.. For now, Blessings, Love and Light ~ Aurana ~

08 August 2024


Hi Everyone... Welcome to the LIONS GATE happening today.. 8th Day of 8th Month in an 8 year 2+2=4 +4= 8.. In brief, the Lions Gate is a powerful portal in the heavens that happens every year on this day.. What is happening today is a COSMIC ALIGNMENT between EARTH, SIRIUS and ORION which all align with the LEO constellation.... HAPPY BLESSED BIRTHDAY to all LEOS this month and especially for those born on this special day 8th August... There is a strong magical, spiritual energy in this gateway which allows us to bring forth MANIFESTATION...SPIRITUAL HEALING and TRANSFORMATION.. In Ancient Egypt today was seen as the beginning of a NEW YEAR... Set your intentions clearly and be careful what you wish for... I'm always available for consults / readings / reiki etc if you need me... Blessings for August ~ Aurana ~

04 July 2024


JULY has arrived... Mid-Way through 2024 when we get our finances in order and prepare for a new financial year ahead... Sending MONEY MAGNETS your way until the end of 2024 to bring you ABUNDANCE in all areas to include HEALTH as well as WEALTH... See the attachment below and download to remind you it's there and available... RUBY is the crystal for July and it is your birthstone if you are born in this month. The name is derived from the latin word "ruber" meaning "red"... the colour of LOVE and PASSION .. Wear RED this month to remind you and to keep you warm if living in the Southern Hemisphere. My Facebook Group is growing strongly .. please join us if interested in Ancient Egypt .. Called - EGYPTIAN SPIRITUAL JOURNEYS https://www.facebook.com/groups/208514580091438 Blessings, Love and Light for July and remember to give me a call for a TAROT READING, some REIKI HEALING or enquiries about courses you would like to do... These are shown on my webpage with link being https://auranaspiritualjourneys.com

11 June 2024


Hi All, This June sees the Midway of 2024... Have your Intentions set at the beginning of the year been followed through...??? ... Give yourself a Review of how far you have come and see where you want to be by the end of 2024...Guidance through a Reading can help... A READING always gives good insights into where you are and where you can go... Fifty years experience in this field so consider you will get a GOOD SESSION one on one, which may just give you the answers you are searching for... An Exciting PENDULUM WORKSHOP is coming up on the Gold Coast.. attendance in person required so you get Hands-On experience with your New Pendulum on July 7th. Payable prior to the day when booking in... For more info feel free to call me to discuss...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNE Babes... Make this year count ! Pearl ~ Alexandrite and Moonstone are your crystal stones for this month... Blessings, Love and Light See you soon ... ~ Aurana ~



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