From the desk of Dr.Ornella Michelini Ph.D.
"I am a HOLISTIC LIFE COUNSELOR and a MYSTIC..... A METAPHYSICAL PRACTITIONER and A MEDITATION FACILITATOR and TEACHER .... A REIKI MASTER ..... A HEALER through the Rites of the MUNAY-KI and also an EGYPTIAN SHAMANIC HEALER .... I have done much study on ANCIENT EGYPTIAN MAGIC and walked through the Temples in Egypt studying the philosophy behind it all ....A TAROT PROFESSIONAL of many years .... I discovered I was PSYCHIC early on in life".....

A session with me as a Holistic Life Counselor can include Spiritual Healing and guidance for Physical Healing and a Tarot Card Insight Reading. This helps you to see where you are at and what you should do to implement changes within your life in the areas of Work, Money, Relationships generally and your more personal Love life. Further suggestions as to how to heal yourself with Meditation, Aromatherapy with Essential Oils and Chakra Clearing with Massage are offered.

... I would love to meet you to do a Reading for you Face to Face on the Gold Coast of Australia, on Phone, via Email or SKPYE Internationally.
Many people have gained deep insight for themselves through Readings, and so can YOU ! ..... I'm Glad You Found Me !
I help many people look at what options they have in order to resolve issues in order to release any burdens they feel too heavy to carry... I help people find answers to their questions, and solutions to their problems.

I hold a Doctorate /Ph.D. specialising in Holistic Life Counseling from University of Sedona and a Masters Degree in Metaphysical Sciences with the University of Metaphysics also in Sedona U.S.A. and love my Healing and Spiritual work which gives many people the courage they need to resolve issues and problems that cover many aspects of their lives. I am also an Ordained Metaphysical Minister with the I.M.M. (International Metaphysical Ministry) and love to introduce Spirituality in all its forms to those who question and desire to learn.

MEDITATION and helping people go within comes naturally to me, and training people to connect their inner self with Spirit and the Universal Mind is a Major part of my work as a HEALER and METAPHYSICAL MASTER ...

As a REIKI MASTER I teach courses on REIKI I - II to MASTER levels for students who wish to learn and practice.

As a WORKSHOP FACILITATOR and TEACHER of METAPHYSICAL SUBJECTS, I love to teach in depth about TAROT in its various mystical forms and allow students to enrich their lives through deeper understanding of the mysteries that lie within, so they can go forward and assist others through this medium also.

As a TOUR OPERATOR, I am currently putting together SPIRITUAL JOURNEYS to EGYPT and BALI, Indonesia in future... Visiting Spiritual Sites and Temples is always the main theme of my tours and very importantly having LOTS OF FUN !!


I have an online store on ETSY called AURANA BAZAAR which sells all sorts of interesting crystals, jewelry and other collectable and interesting things..

Namaste, Love and Light .....

EMAIL : aurana@ymail.com
Phone : +61 400 900 069
SKYPE : Aurana / Dr.Ornella Michelini

Dr.Ornella Michelini Ph.D.

01 March 2024


https://auranaspiritualjourneys.com ...............A GO-TO SITE for AURANA showing services and contact dteails

MARCH 2024 AURANA Newsletter

Hi All, March 2024 already in a LEAP YEAR... Take up the challenges ! Hope you are all doing well and have survived one of our hottest and most humid Summers on the Gold Coast and in other areas of Australia… YES, the planet is heating up… Climates are changing globally which will bring also other changes in vegetation, our food chains and more… SPIRITUALLY what will this mean ? More tolerance and patience will have to come with this as we ourselves grow and develop to meet the needs caused by change.. STRESS (Big Word) needs to be controlled and the best way to get through these times is to practice MEDITATION regularly… It should be in your daily routine, but many find that battling time schedules does not always allow this… IF you do nothing else to change your habits this month, please try to MEDITATE REGULARLY.. When it becomes part of your daily/weekly routine it will be easy, satisfying and beneficial for you .. I am always here by appointment if you need a Meditation Session, Tarot Reading etc.. Love and Light and Blessings ~ Aurana ~ Aquamarine the birthstone for March, is a stunning gemstone that embodies the serenity and tranquility of the ocean.



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