TS-TZ come from the original form of Language and found also today in words such as Caesar, Czar, Senate, Senior, Signor.
This card represents Dignity and Integrity, Government..A Crowned Male Figure.
Aries the Ram tamed by authority.The posture typifies SULPHUR, the fiery element of the Universe, the swift creative energy, the initiative of all being, the RAJAS of Hindu philosophy...Paternal Power - Government established. Stability, Conquest, Victory, Power, Ambition, Energy. Sulphur is also a symbol of domination of spirit over matter, hence the significance..The material world ordered by Spirit.
The symbol of Sulphur is the Triangle over the Cross, the TRIANGLE stands for Will, Male Energy, Manipura Chakra. The CROSS written like a four = Jupiter, the planet of benevolence and altruism.....The combination of the two, shows strength of will coupled with a very humane approach to the establishment of structure.
Number FOUR - A number of New Beginnings but independant of all that has gone before.
This card signifies Creation by Power and own Will without weapons..there is a shield of protection..Four sides to a building give stable structures in construction.
The EMPEROR has laid the foundations for further building. A highly motivated passionate nature, fully disciplined, educated, physically active, sensitive to beauty, a leader through example and having personal mastery.
This card in a reading reminds us of AUTHORITY, RESPONSABILTY and ACTION
(Artist Frieda Harris - Bibliography Book of Thoth)
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